Thursday, February 28, 2013

Joseph . . . the Master Dreamer

Chances are you might have heard this story a million times before- Joseph, the dreamer. Yet, each time there could still be a magic in paying closer attention to it over and over, that is,  should you choose to open your eyes of faith and let your heart be touched once more to experience the magic.
Source of image: 
And the story goes. . . Upon Israel's instructions to his favorite son Joseph, the latter caught up with his brothers who were then tending to their flocks at Dotham. The brothers noticed him from a distance, and before he came up to them, they plotted to kill him. They said to one another: "Here comes that master dreamer!" Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here; we say that a wild beast devoured him.  We shall then see what comes of his dreams. Remember that Joseph dreams of them bowing down to him has immensely irritated his brothers so much.

And so that's what the brothers did but soon they had a change of heart; instead of killing him, they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. And to make a long story short, we all knew what happened to Joseph. He became the Vizier, a high official of Egypt  and with whom the Pharaoh found so much favor. He then was able to save his tribe from a terrible famine. And Joseph dreams had truly come to pass.

Turning now to Jesus, in Mt 21:42, we heard him talking to the scribes who were then questioning his authority, he asked them: "Did you never read in the Scriptures:

"The stone that the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?"

Never underestimate your dreams that have been God-inspired. And let no one come to steal that dream away from you. Press on and be resolute to bring it to reality. Who knows, if the dream really comes from God, then He wants it to manifest through you. . . the one dream that one day, if realized, may prosper and bring freedom to many. Just allow it to happen through you. Joseph did it. Jesus did it. And it will also be so with you.

Join us in this spiritual retreat:
Finding God in Your Life's Journey
March, 16, 2013; 8am-5pm
Venue: Quezon City, Philippines
Ms. Nina Robledo: Retreat Director
Fee: P800 per person w/ lunch and snacks
For questions and to reserve a place send an email to:

v  walk prayerfully through the many phases of your life
v  discover God as your constant companion on your journey
v  reflect on your transitions in the light of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus
v  uncover the gifts of these transitions

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