Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Listen and Prosper

The ability to listen is a  divine gift, especially so if we listen  with our inner ears and see with our inner eyes. That is what we call faith. . . something that we do hear beyond what our human ears can hear, and something that we see beyond what our human eyes can ever see.  
Source of Image:
Faith does not need any visible proof nor  a sign though it produces the best tangible results. For an evolved faith is powerful and transforming. It goes beyond mere believing as it animates us to live out and practice what we hear- to be whole; lest our faith is trapped and remains only in the head. We may be walking dead like zombies for years and decades without even knowing it. Everyone does a zombie stance every time one hardens his heart and lives according only to  human norms of shallow rituals and rules, wealth accumulation, skin-deep beauty, pleasure and that more is always great. But should we choose to soften our hearts and to humbly open our inner ears  to the voice within, then, we come alive!  We will know what it means to be truly alive regardless of circumstances unfolding before us. We don't need to beg God for anything nor to pressure and to bribe  Him to do anything for us. We know what we know-  that even before we utter a plea,  He already fills us to the brim. We know we are His  beloved stewards. We are guided. Once we allow the holy wisdom to come through us, we can never be the same person as before. We prosper in a liberating way beyond what any human can able to mentally grasp.

If  today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

"Thus says the LORD: 
This is what I commanded my people:
Listen to my voice;
then I will be your God and you shall be my people.
Walk in all the ways that I command you,
so that you may prosper."- Jer 7:23

Join us in this spiritual retreat:

Finding God in Your Life's Journey
March, 16, 2013; 8am-5pm
Venue: Quezon City, Philippines
Ms. Nina Robledo: Retreat Director
Fee: P800 per person w/ lunch and snacks
For questions and to reserve a place send an email to:

v  walk prayerfully through the many phases of your life
v  discover God as your constant companion on your journey
v  reflect on your transitions in the light of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus
v  uncover the gifts of these transitions

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